Tangled Hair

Tangled Hair / Tangled Hair

2012.03.07.発売 XOIF-1003 税抜\1,800 / 税込\1,890

日本のキンセラ世代へ送る、イギリスからの最新鋭エモーション! 3人でしか成し得ない黄金比に支えられ、優しく響くその歌が緻密なマス・フレーズの隣で囁き叫ぶ―

人気絶頂の中、惜しまれつつ突然解散を発表した前身バンドColourの終了の頃、フロントAlanが歌やメロディを追求するためもともと一人で開始したプロジェクト、Tangled Hair。今作は、本国で2010年にデジタル・リリースのみされた1st EPと2011年4月にリリースされた2nd EPをコンパイルした日本独自盤。

ある意味回帰とも言えるバンド・サウンドにより、美麗メロディとフレーズへの追求をは続け、3人とは思えない確固たるバンドとしての一体感を手に入れ、曲中、寄せては返す緩急を見事な呼吸の一致で仕上げている。 Alanの歌とギターはより力強さと繊細さのコントラストを見せ、 抜けるように歌うドラムと、それを安定の運指でベースが支える黄金比の完成された全9曲 。



Tangled Hair
Machu Picchu Industorias are pleased to present to Japan, Tangled Hair, their first ever English signing! They are an emo guitar group in a similar vein to the music made by the Kinsella family. Tangled Hair hold the golden ratio in perfect balance between sensitive guitar phrases and vocal melodies.

Singer and guitarist Alan Welsh had previously worked with drummer James Trood in their previous group Colour. When Colour disbanded, Alan began working on a new project focusing heavily on his melodies. Drummer Trood was invited to join and compose some drum parts to complement the guitar and vocals and finally Alex Lloyd joined the group on bass to complete the group.

The result after becoming a three-piece was a return to a pure band sound, creating beautiful melodies and phrases, with a perfect sense of unity and harmony like restless waves.

Their original combination of sensitive falsetto vocals and intricate guitars in the same breath as sing-along choruses with their audience. Machu Picchu are excited to bring this sensation to Japan.
This Japanese release compiles Tangled Hair’s first two EPs, which were previously released in the UK, and is perfect to trace the history of Tangled Hair.

We strongly recommend this album to fans of Pele, Karate and Faraquet.